Reiki, (pronouced ray-key), is a gentle, non-invasive Japanese healing art form. It is often used to reduce stress, discomfort or pain, promote healing and spiritual growth. It can be used as a form of self-care. Reiki can be used independently or as a complement to other healing, medical and/or therapeutic practice. Reiki is very easy to learn and practice. It requires no experience, special knowledge, specific belief system or religion. It is perfect for everyone, and anyone, from children to seniors, can learn it.
In each level of training, you will get the opportunity to give Reiki to yourself and to exchange Reiki sessions with your classmates. Individual attunements are performed at every level of training.
Reiki - First Degree (Level I)
During this six-hour class, you will be attuned to the Reiki energy and learn about Reiki history, principles, hand positions, and the basics of giving Reiki treatments to self and others. This is a practical course, and you will have the opportunity to give and receive Reiki treatments with your classmates. Upon completion, you will be able to use Reiki for self-healing and for treating others.
Reiki - Second Degree (Level II)
The Second Degree attunement increases the Reiki energy the student brings through. In this six-hour class, you will learn how to use 3 sacred Reiki symbols, to send Reiki to others not physically present (remotely), to help others prepare for mental clearing and healing, and to apply Reiki in other ways, i.e., working with animals & plants, clearing space, draining energy, etc.
Completion of First Degree is prerequisite for the Second Degree workshop.
Reiki for Children: Ages 7 to 12 - First Degree (Level I)
In this highly interactive four-hour class, each child will be attuned to the Reiki energy, get in touch with subtle energy, and learn simple ways to use Reiki. The emphasis will be placed on experiencing Reiki and putting words and feelings to this experience through art, movement and sound.